originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Multiple airships warp in with a 'boom' and fire down into the dojo, targeting the machines*
*Stratos is seen with comically large guns flying over him firing a menagerie of projectiles at the attackers*
*Is clearly high on multiple forms of narcotics*
*[url=http://img12.deviantart.net/13c6/i/2015/184/c/8/mobilize_by_sttheo-d8zrpua.jpg]Combat [/url]troops prepare for orbital deployment*
[b]A wave of robots are destroyed as select units deploy thrusters and assault the ships [/b]
*As targets reach the ship, Advanced dispersion field fire, sending bits and pieces of each machine scattered across time, effectively disintegrating all incoming projectiles, and personnel* *Ground troops deploy, the larger machines literally flattening some attackers upon terrestrial impact*