Thankfully GameInformer Journalists were able to take the information from interviews and the grimoire to form a coherent story.
After reading this I still get the same disappointing feeling I got after a month after release when it was apparent Destiny was not what it was supposed to be.
If there were cutscenes/in game story/background that portrayed the events in this article the game would have surpassed even Halo's universe.
Currently the game is a hollow ghostly shell that only survives via loot system.
Waiting 10 years for the story to "wrap up" or come together is a bit of a stretch for a fanbase to find closure.
But hey, it took the Rosetta 10 years to land on a comet so maybe something good will come out of this.
EDIT 1: autocorrect correcting
EDIT 2: after reading it over again pages 1-6 are BACKSTORY stuff that would have made excellent cutscenes spread throughout the game or archived in a "library" in the tower (the glowy orbs in the speaker's area perhaps?)
bump for quality posts
I'd definitely read that novel. As long as it dose not take 10 years for the entire story to be released.
ITT we discuss story/lore