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8/25/2015 11:20:15 PM
Beleiving in a higher power creating the world is lazy, why does it rain? God makes the rain. Were did I come from? God made you. Its lazy explanations. Religion holds back medical science, causes war and hatred and evil. If you tell a lie long enough you begin to believe it yourself

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  • And thus, another one proves the op. Nothing you said is Christian teaching. The bible encourages us to gain knowledge and understanding of the universe and the world we live in. The bible is in no way anti medical science. Luke, the gospel writer was a physician, most of the first hospitals and universities were founded by Christians. The fathers of modern science were Christians seeking to understand God's creation, just like the bible encourages. Just because a few people claiming to be Christians opposed these things doesn't make them Christian or biblical teachings.

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  • Luke was not real mate and when christians come knocking on my door to tell me blood transfusions are wrong after they saved my moms life they know they are getting pushed off the porch onto the pavemeny

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    [quote]Luke was not real mate[/quote] Where did the book of Luke come from then? I have seen so much stupid logic from atheists on this thread simply arguing against historical fact, it's stupid

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  • The book of luke was written by a greedy evil person who wanted free power and money in exchange for chatting shit

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  • He was real and Christians don't do that. Jehovah's witnesses do. They are not Christians.

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  • Does it make you upset when I challenge your cross eyed squint up little views? Christianity was the driving force behind slavery, the crusades, early discrimination against jews the list goes on

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  • I'm not upset at all. You're arguments don't challenge biblical Christianity in the slightest. They challenge sinful people claiming to be Christians that weren't following what the bible actually teaches. And a lot of times those people would pervert and take bible verses out of context to try and justify their position, just like a lot of atheists do.

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  • Mate the bible isnt fit to be used to wipe my ass yet alone as a guide on how to live fix up and learn that god either dont exist or has abandoned you. If god was real there wouldnt be children with cancer, racism and terrorism, there wouldnt be war or people on forums going around like the christians every sunday trying to brainwash and bullshit people as we would all beleive in that shit

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  • The bible would answer those claims your making.

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    You are so brainwashed, I'm ashamed to be a member of the same species as you

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  • May aswell kill urself so you can be with your god instead of me

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    I'll add you to the list of people on here I need to pray for ;)

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  • Pray for me mate ask god to fix my problems between me and my mom and save all the dying children in third world countries and also to give destiny year 1 legendary gear a year 2 value I like my VoC

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  • Luke was real?

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  • Wat u on about mate I said he was not real

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  • Bad b8

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  • The thing was, he was real.....

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