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originally posted in:The Overlords of Heresy
Edited by HERETICOVERLORD: 8/26/2015 2:15:20 PM

Chapter 2, The story of three Overlords, Rise of darkness Episode 7

As we all return From Guants Forge to the Tower Manhatton separates from us to go to one of the Remaining archives to do some research on the Fallen's Ether supply. Me and Cuban Decide to Take Redreksis on a patrol The Vanguard wants us to investigate an old weapons Factory for any Golden age technology. Manhatton will meet up with us later on the Patrol as we fly towards our destination. We Notice its mostly a barren Desert a few broken buildings stick out of the Sand. We see smoke stacks in front of us coming out of the Sand we See an Omolon symbol on the Side of one of the Smoke stacks we Don't see any obvious way in beside repelling down the smoke stack. I tell my ghost to keep the ship on autopilot. Me Cuban and Redreksis exit out the rear bay door. Redreksis jumps down into the smoke stacks using his Arms to climb down the inside Me and Cuban reach the bottom next Redreksis is waiting for us his swords humming in their Hilts. I crack a few glow sticks its dark down here. Redreksis is able to see perfectly fine. We make our way out of the stack and into the main Factory I turn my Visor to Night vision now that I can see more Clearly I can see that there's an exit hatch I open it and we drip in the Factories main Floor there are scattered weapon parts and Skeletons it looks like this Factory went down when the Collapse hit. We wander around for awhile looking for anything useful Redreksis searching the Left Quadrant Cuban the Right and me the North. I only find a few old magazines nothing too useful. Redreksis comes back with a few Weapon attachment prototypes and an old Plaque. Cuban Comes back with a few Handcannon Cylinders we decide to Search the south Corridor together. But just then there's an Explosion Caving the Ceiling in on the main Factory floor Manhatton lands on his Feet atop of the Sand still pouring in. We were all ready for the worst but now there's some light down here now. We all head for the south Corridor when we see an elevator shaft going down I can barely make out the Word's Molecular weapon testing. I decide it's worth a Look we all head down the shaft there is a Series of Rooms ones a range and another is a Storage Area containing tons of Containers full of different Chemicals. And the next Contains what looks like a miniature rail gun. Cuban Picks it up and turns it over looks like it needs Ammo some kind of Container attachment we go to the other Room to find a suitable Container. Cuban Finds one that says Nanites prototype he Cracks it open what happens next is Crazy the Nanites came out in a Clod and Chewed through the Nearby Wall into the weapon Room there Going in the Hilt of A Sword Sitting in a Glass case a few lights Chime on as the Nanites Fill the Hilt. Cuban goes over and Breaks the Case he holds the hilt for a moment waiting for the Nanites to finish before activating the Blade the Nanites form a Sword and are Capable of shape shifting he Notices a shield button Pressing it the Nanites turn into a Shield. Its insane to think of the weapons they must have been making down here. I look for anything Else like them The only other thing I can find is that Rail gun I find the Proper Container for the ammo Sync and take it to the Abandoned Range it takes one shot to convince me this is worth taking whatever this thing shoots it punches a hole in it at the back of the range down here is a Concrete wall with steel backing I just shot through them both. We decide we have Gotten enough loot to warrant us coming here again later Then Manhatton's Ghost picks up fallen Chatted Redreksis explains what he's hearing. There are fallen up by our ship they're coming into the Factory looking for us. We start back up the Elevator Shaft when we Reach the top there is a fallen Captain along with a few Vandals and dregs searching the Factory floor I'm the First one out of the Elevator Shaft Redreksis is next The Fallen Notice him And Call out they speak for a moment before Redreksis pulls out his Blades The Dregs start attacking the Vandals and the Captain I pull Cuban and Manhatton out of the Shaft we begin Fighting the Dregs Font attack us and Redreksis tells us not to kill them I shoot The Captain Twice in the chest knocking him back when Cuban Blinks in with his New Sword Cutting him in two. Redreksis Cuts down the Vandals with Ease not even Getting hit once Manhatton asks Redreksis why the Dregs betrayed the Vandals and the Captain. Redreksis Replies I ask them to join the House of Lords. For House of Lords has no Dregs. The Dregs Group up around us before bowing their heads I tell the Ghost to bring the Ship in. We all onboard the ship. Redreksis talks to the Dregs I ask Redreksis bow he plans to make them Stronger He replies I have Cache of House Scar it contains an Ether Cipher. We will need it to Make our House Strong and Feared. At first I don't trust this Idea but he has given me no reason not to trust him. I tell him that we will retrieve the Ether Cipher. We have about 5 Dregs with us Flying into Orbit. Redreksis Tells me that his Cache is on Venus hidden there Long ago no one Could find except House Scar. To be continued....

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