Well since the V2 post was taken down I am going to make a V3 and see what happens( most likely downvoted to oblivion). Nonetheless I still feel that these posts should continue until the issue of Y1 exotics is discussed in the Weekly Update. I will not be blaming anyone or anything for the current issue at hand nor make any updates about the status of the post to prevent any risk of violation of forum rules. Now as the post suggests this is to bring all year 1 exotics forward into year 2 giving them the same attack and defense values as year 2 exotics. The amount of time us players have put into Destiny to obtain these year 1 exotics should be respected going forward. We should be allowed to have the option to use year 1 exotics, year 2 exotics, or a combination of both. By expanding the pool of exotics the diversity in Destiny will increase allowing more options for players to choose their exotics based on their various playstyles. Like, dislike, bump, sign, or leave a comment of your opinion of whether you are for or against bringing all year 1 exotics to year 2.
Big bump! Like you said, the diversity of playstyles is a bit ruined with the absence of subclass specific exotic gear!
Exotics should be carried with the player for the duration of the series. A true partnership with items is how we truly become legend
I haven't spent days upon days trying to collect exotics just to have them thrown in the garbage. That's BS!
Yeah! I think all the exotics should come.
It'd be nice if all my exotics could be maxed to the new light level. I have every weapon and gear piece collected, all 365, yet TTK is basically saying you wasted your time upgrading everything. Great.
Hey look this post was silenced as well. That actually pisses me off, thanks Bungie.
The more I think about this exotic change the more I dislike it. It's really making me less excited for TTK and future expansions. What's the point of chasing all this super cool gear if half of them get taken away during a process we have no insight into. It all feels so arbitrary. At least explain to us your reasoning for leaving behind some armor and not others.
Bump to the highest degree.
Bump and signed
I just want mida
Exotics are exotic... Leaving them behind makes them Relics...
Extreme bump!!!!