If you use a spear with double down and field scout you are a scrub. One shot one kill. Real snipers find their ammo in the field and only need one clip. (Sarcastic)
If you use any sniper you suck[spoiler]according to op[/spoiler]
Eye of sol all day bb
Not really. I doesnt have any good perks. Anyways, the Pre-HOW snipers are good
Any sniper without a one shot kill to the body is ok
If they have to hit headshots I don't care. Aim assist is something you get used to, more doesn't always mean better. Just find the amount you like and get used to it.
What's shadow of veils?
Sometimes i use it but that's bc it looks like a harpoon gun and that's cool.
Its better then a final round or any gun with hidden hand because better target accusation gives you random kills that you clearly miss
If you're a real sniper you use a spear. You can't complain about final round when you're gonna stack your sniper with all the aim assist in the world cause you can't pop a head.
*kills op with shadow of veils* *drags nutz across ops face*
Biggest sniper crutch is icebreaker tbhtbhtbh
Ldr all day
Why? Why is it so good
Oh look I found him whining again
I've tried it. I also have a her benevolence with hidden hand and performance bonus. Still can't hit a guardian for shit in crucible. Sniping just isn't my thing in PvP. PvE however... they wreck shop and I love staggering bosses with snipers.
If we're gonna talk crutches, then Praedyth's is the real sniper's crutch. The truly bad players don't even go for headshots and the magazine and ammo pool are huge.
[quote]Title said it all its too crutchy[/quote] Shut up and go finish your moments of triumph
Any sniper takes skill but final round. Especially because most of the destiny maps are close ranges
Icebreaker is basically the same easy headshots
I cry at night everytime I lose to anyone, I hope they nerf all teh weapons. Bullets and (x) are for noobs, so suck like me, K? OP^
The op reminds me of that old saying about attractive women. "No matter how good she looks, someone's tired of her shit." I think that pretty much every decent to great weapon in this game has been labeled as a "crutch" at one time or another.
Reported I just like using the gun
Do you have one?
I can attest to this. I suck and have easily gotten triple kills in Trials with it.