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Edited by ScottBoys3: 8/20/2015 2:52:49 PM

If you plan on getting Taken King watch this video

My mind is unchanged and I'm getting TTK day one


The video makes excellent points, so I'm waiting


As a state of principal I refuse to purchase TTK


Please watch the video BEFORE voting. Thank you. Watch this person's Destiny videos all the way to the end. Please. If you plan on giving Destiny more money, than you owe it to yourself, and all the other Guardians to watch this video through to the end, and give it some real thought. Thank you. [b]UPDATE[/b] So the poll is going pretty much the way I figured, but I am pleasantly surprised by all of the people that voted to wait or boycott. I really appreciate your support. That's 129 people who have decided to wait before giving Bungie any more money. That's $5,160. Granted that isn't a huge amount compared to the massive millions Bungie will earn, but I hope and pray that it does show them that some of us do care. We love Bungie, but we want some respect. That only comes to those who earn it. If you roll over, then you will always be stepped on. Stand with me, if they want to step on us, then they have to knock us down first. [b]EDIT #2[/b] Everyone seems to think that my point of sharing this is that I'm pissed that Destiny costs so much. That is definitely NOT the case. Money and cost and worth are entirely relative. $40 may seem like a tad bit too much for me, but to others that make four times my wage, $40 is nothing. A little kid however may only have $40, and to him that is everything. Money is a completely relative thing, and so that is not the reason for this thread. My reasoning is very simple. We are being disrespected. That's it. Ever since Destiny has released we have been treated more and more unfairly. Some people think that we were charged $120 to either play a beta version, or we should have paid $60 for ALL of the content up to this point. Even if you disagree with that statement, everyone knows that those people should never feel that way. Bungie's job as game developers is to dream up a game and then make and deliver the very best damn game we have EVER played. That didn't happen. At all. Destiny could have been the game to end all games. It had, and still has the massive potential to be the best game literally ever made, but they ruined that because they took us all for granted. Is Destiny fun? Yes, absolutely. I love Destiny. I love Bungie, but enough is enough. It is intervention time. Just like when a loved one falls off the deep end, Bungie took a freaking swan dive. They have mislead, and oversold, and misdirected, and disrespected, and even insulted us in interviews. That's completely uncalled for. I understand they need to make money, I do. My family owns a business and we struggle every week to make sure everything is paid, I know that Bungie employees need to make money, I know they have families to take care of, BUT the way they are going about this is all wrong. Bungie is an entertainment company. Their goal SHOULD be to make the best dad gum form of entertainment ever. It isn't. Their goal seems to be to snooker us out of all the money they can before we become pissed and leave. Friends, that is a horrendous goal. You may be one of the people that Bungie could never run off, and I admire your loyalty. I do. But think about it this way. You may never be ran off, but others will. I promise you that. More and more and more people will leave this game and this community, and then only you will be left. Paying way more than Bungie should have allowed. We are all Guardians, and we are ALL gamers. We are in this together. Whether you agree or disagree with me, know that others take your opposite opinion, and that still affects you. This should be a tight knit community and we should all be friends together. Let Bungie know that we love them and have huge respect for them, and for that reason we cannot allow them to throw their name away any longer. Stand with me FOR Bungie. Let them know that we love them no matter what their mistakes, they are only people after all, but if they keep screwing up, we the people have a right to kick their butt, straighten them out, and have them make it right. That is all. Have a good day my friends.

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  • Yes, Bungie is an entertainment COMPANY. Which means that they are BUSINESS. One that needs to generate a PROFIT in order to survive. So their goal needs to be "To make the BEST product possible...that is still PROFITABLE.' ...and that' the heart of the problem here. You have too many gamers that are young and don't "get" the difference between the PERSONAL value of a certain sum of money...and the MARKET VALUE or PURCHASING POWER that is represented by that sum of money. Personal value----as you noted----is personal and varies from person to person. MARKET VALUE or the purchasing power of a given sum of money DOES NOT change from person to person. It may vary OVER TIME....but not from one person to another. So the bottom line, is that while $40 may have a great deal of PERSONAL value to many gamers, that does NOT increase that sum of money's actual purchasing power. The other issue is that Destiny is NOT a shooter. It is NOT a game that is the sort of sequelized experience that most console gamers are used to. Where you only shell out $60 for the core game once year or once every two years....and then any other DLC is OPTIONAL, and can be skipped if you dont' want spend the money. Destiny (whether Bungie wants to call it one or not) IS AN MMO...and is expanding in a TYPICAL MMO fashion. These kinds of games are expensive and very labor intensive to make and maintain...which means that WE have to pay the costs. Now you can either: 1. Pay for whatever you play, as you go. Bungie chose this route because this seems to be the lest offensive to console gamers. 2. Pay a monthy sub fee (like World of Warcraft) 3. Have to deal with someone constantly in your face wanting money for microtransactions. (Which is how Warframe and DC Universe Onlie and Marvel Heroes pay their bills). Bungie isn't totally free from fault here. Their communication style is ILL-SUITED to this kind of game, and Bungie (due to inexperience and misjudging the audience the game would attract)has made some game design mistakes. But what you are talking about is simply people getting outraged about something that is DIFFERENT than what they are used to...and because it is different, jumping to the conclusion that someone is tyring to screw them overl

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