You're just mad BO3 will be better than Destiny ever will be. The BO3 beta has more content than vanilla Destiny don't even deny it.
And honestly the feel of these features that "copy" destiny don't even feel the same.
But but the repetivness of the cod games is worse than destiny dlc.
But Bo3 is the same every year
Those are some strong hopes..
Honstely iv not heard anything good about about the blop beta.... like my mate could never give away his keys and he played it for 10 mintues before turning it off... I think this one will hsve a fun coop but that's about it...
Excited for people like you to stop playing this game and you can get back to ruining shit games like cod haha.
Star wars battelfront, and fallout 4 will be better than cod.
Lel > implying opinion=fact
lol salty cod fan boy you perk my nips thanks
Then this is just for you.
I love you!
Says the salty destiny fanboy
im not the one making you comment you're just deep in them cod feels lol my nips are now erect.
Great to know you get off to "cod fanboys"
I do lol get my nips even perkier!!
Aww you're cute
Aww you're mad
~(・・?))Who said anything about being mad? All I said was you're cute... Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
This is rich. From lack of knowledge.
Oh god that is toooo funny