To the titan smash and hunter void bow and the exo specialist this game is a blatant rip off lol how has no one noticed this garbage lol
EDIT 1: Forget to mention the cheeky rejack self rez mechanic that shoots smoke out of your ass lol
EDIT 2: Coolboymitch also mentioned the golden gun mechanic another of the specialists have.
EDIT 3: The amount of salty cod fan boys is staggering lol I rub my nipples with glee every time I read one of these stay classy guardians ;P
EDIT 4: TheTommiec found out Im Donald Trump two cookies for him!!
EDIT 5: Thanks Jin :D
EDIT 6: We got this trending lol and the cod fans are really riled up now my nips are fully erect and now I have enough salt for my fries!!!
p.s you guys need to learn the diffrence between publishers and devs
EDIT 8: You've re awakened my nipples with new arguments that are all completly and utterly trash you people need lives top kek
Funny how Black Ops 2 had a Crossbow so a Bow in general isn't out of their wheelhouse. Also Battlefield 3 had a Crossbow and Battlefield 4 has a normal Bow BEFORE Destiny. Destiny ripped off Battlefield 4 Confirmed. Black Ops 2 had 1 in the Chamber game mode. 1 in the Chamber gave 1 bullet which equalled an instant kill. With celestial Nighthawk you get 1 golden gun shot. Destiny ripped of Black Ops 2 Confirmed. Black Ops 3 beta has self res? Destiny has self res! Oh wait in Borderlands 1&2&3 if you go down and kill an enemy you get an instant revive! Also Borderlands has super like abilities you activate! OMG Destiny ripped off Borderlands X2 CONFIRMED! TITAN smash? Black Ops 3 has it now, Halo 5 has it now and Destiny also has it! Mass Effect had a somewhat similar attack. WAIT! MASS EFFECT also had a bubble, cloaking, nova bomb like abilities. Basically Destiny is re-skinned Mass Effect! Destiny is a total ripoff of Mass Effect minus the story! CONFIRMED!! [spoiler]OMG just like all these Gaurdians, Destiny isn't a special snowflake of a game and has elements from past games. Get over it and move on![/spoiler]