Can you clarify? Your comment seems incoherent. I think I got the gist, but I want to make sure.
its not incoherent its very coherent bring me one solid proof that stands up to passage analysis which foretold that j?sus would be messiah also explain how you can be sure that g?d did not change worshipers again
Punctuation would help, but I'll give it a go. Daniel chapter 9 says that the Messiah will come and die before the temple is destroyed in 70ad. Isaiah 53, psalms 22 which Jesus quoted the beginning of on the cross, describes exactly how he would die. And God didn't change worshippers. The old testament says time and again that God will be made known to the world both jew and gentile.
Please go ahead and quote for me the exact verse from Daniel chapter 9 go look it up and you will see that the verse has nothing to with messiah at all
I'm sorry you don't see it. It's pretty obvious. And what about psalms?
Edited by PJ Sam: 8/23/2015 10:01:09 PM visit this link proving my point here is a well written article about how Daniel 9 does not prove anything
He gave you multiple examples, God's word has stayed consistent even now.