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8/23/2015 5:58:03 PM

Firstly I'd like to make clear that I'm not defending bungie. The way it has handled the game has been a PR disaster, with endless poorly thought out and needlessly annoying decisions. One of those is the seemingly pointless decision to announce a ghorn nerf, then sell it, then say oh by the way it's going to be very quickly superseded in year 2 cos you can't upgrade it. If I'd just got it yes I would be annoyed. But since TDB (when I stopped playing for a while as I was so disgusted with non-dlc people being locked out of a large part of the content) I have tried to think more about how I can adapt to the nonsense rather than getting angry about it. And for TTK I think it is better that most of what we have is being left so far behind that we have no choice but to find new stuff. If the comparative figures were closer (like they were after TDB) then I'd be as annoyed as then that we were given worse weapons than before, particularly after I'd sharded a load to make way for the "better" new stuff :( Personally I am pretty sure that if we could take year 1 with us I would never find out if there was anything better than FB, LDR and ghorn; I have dozens of HoW guns that I have never had the time to try. So all in all I'm not that stressed about having to find out what my new favourites will be. I could be completely wrong of course ;)

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