Because I can't find another way to contact bungie directly I'll give this a try.
Me and my wife just upgraded from playing destiny on 360 to playing it on one.
To my wife's dismay she discovered that her blacksmith shader doesn't follow her profile to Xbox one.
It's her favorite shader by far so she got very sad because of this.
Now to the point.
I'm now begging you to let me surprise my wife by giving her the shader as a gift for her birthday.
This would make her so happy and also make me a hero.
Plz bungie make this come true and give her a redeemable Xbox one code for blacksmith shader.
It would make her day.
We both love your game and have well over 1000 hours played so far.
Sincerely Cem Sundquist.
This service cannot be provided to you - sorry to say. Any item obtained through a code is locked to the console it was redeemed to. These items will not transfer, so you will need to obtain another Blacksmith code.