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Edited by Clayton o tron: 8/22/2015 10:26:02 PM
While i'm sure Bungie appreciates all criticism and suggestions, I believe this update is being over slandered. 1st, they are trying to break new ground by making an evolving game as opposed to making a new one every year. This allows continuous momentum with teams and friends without having to worry about everyone changing games. It's even possible to run missions with distant friends that don't have the new content. 2nd, and true for 99% of game gripes: if you pay $60-100 for something and use it for 200 hours +, that's less that .50c per hour of play. That's cheaper that reading, which isn't fun (jk). Your complaints smell of pretentious greed. 3rd, same doesn't equal new and fresh, new equals new and fresh. For Bungie to make this game last 10 years, you can bet this won't be the last of it. New guns and levels are not enough to keep people interested. There is a lot to be said for making people start semi-over, it levels the playing field and allows skilled players to rise to the top again. It's also allows Bungie to redesign on a core level as opposed to a superficial one. I hate and love this game as much as anyone, but it bugs me to see a group like Bungie that actually cares about its players and listens. They should not be slammed for it, but praised. Nothing like working your but off to be over analyzed and unappreciative...

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