Since the latest news update , will you still buy into the taken king?
yes: please explain why (personally think it is a big mistake now)
NO: good choice but please elaborate (if the latest news isn't good enough)
maybe: if Bungie change a few things (if not everything)
personally tilted towards NO since this news, stick with maybe since Bungie can always change there minds.
Also I think Bungie should give us a list of Year 1 Exotic's being upgraded for Year 2
please hit like for an answer or the list, thank you
Stargazer signing off
Edit: am I the only one on maybe (lol, should have said nothing)?
Edited by kgnast: 8/22/2015 9:30:26 PMI did. Just yesterday. My thoughts: my son and I have been gaming together since he was about 4/5 years old. NFS, MLB, Halo was our thing. Enter Destiny. We enjoy it, and as he's now in highschool, it gives us a common bond as he's growing up and leaving the proverbial nest. Whatever is in TTK, we'll enjoy because its fun time we get to do, together. Now, I think that just about 100% of the stuff they showed this week was a global update that they are using to bolster TTK sales. I think in reality, it doesn't matter if you buy TTK or not, you'll get the expanded vault, the quest lines, level progression changes, etc.? These changes are global base changes, and having nothing to do w TTK. Me? I don't know if Im going to break my ass grinding RNG for 50 pieces of some gun so by next August when I can finally assemble it, I'll get 30 days usage before it too gets shafted into obsolescence. I will be going for that No Time To Explain weap. Yep, exotic version of strangers rifle? Super bueno.