[b]Jack walks around the ship blasting music in his ear buds. He spins and twirls a knife in his hand to keep him busy. He's wearing a tang top for once which shows his tribal tattoo sleeve that starts on his bicep and travels to his chest. [/b] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ka bumb.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]we're going through this because the Echelon thing is taking up our mission slot-meaning we WOULD have had a mission by now.... But we're waiting for everyone.[/spoiler]
(Okay i hate to be THAT GUY, the one that replies to the same thread twice on different characters, but frankly this is the only thing going on) [b]A white transparent figure walks down the hallways. A bow strapped to his back, and decorated with knives and grenades.[/b]
[b]Jack looks at the figure.[/b] "What the hell?" [spoiler]Its all good man. Lol. [/spoiler]
[b]The figure looks back at you. He sighs, and then keeps walking.[/b]
"Elijah? What the hell is that you?"
[b]He stops, and then looks at you.[/b] "What do you think? You DO realize there are like, 3 demons on this ship, right? My chances of becoming a ghost are pretty high."
"Well their are two and a half, I'm the half. But what happened to you?"
"I got shot in the head, woke up in my room... It was really strange.... Took me a while to realize it wasnt a dream... Longer than i would like to admit... Anyways. If you're looking for the hologram Elijah, he should be in his room. I wish Lethal hadn't told him what happened. I was hoping he could have a new life. No connections to me besides name and look. I was evidently wrong."
"Hologram Elijah? Man I guess I was fighting the demon side of me longer than I thought. How much did I miss?"
"I died. Copied myself and erased the memory before said death. I still get headaches though... injuries from Kate and Python.... I think Sharp got the worse half though."
"I see. Who's sharp though?"
"Sharpshooter.... I thought everyone knew that."
"Sorry. I've been kind of busy."
"A lot of us have." [b]He continues walking and begins to vanish[/b]
[b]Jack walks away.[/b]
(End mini-session)
*sits quietly in a corner reading out of my black leather book*
[b]He walks to you with his earbuds in blasting music still.[/b] "Hey lethal."
*looks up* Hello
[b]He takes his earbuds out.[/b] "What are you reading?"
*stays silent*
You can't get me to talk
"But you just talked"