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originally posted in:The Overlords of Heresy
Edited by HERETICOVERLORD: 8/23/2015 1:26:58 PM

Chapter 2, Story of three Overlords, Rise of darkness Episode 4

We return back to the Tower Redreksis in the ship Cuban, Manhatton and I off board the ship. Redreksis seems reluctant to come out of the ship at first but then finally comes out. Other guardians stare in Amazement at the Fallen Captain standing with us. We walk slowly through the hangar Guardians around us unholstering their weapons Redreksis lets out a nervous Growl as we exit the hangar. We decode to go straight to the Vanguard council before any problems arise. When we arrive Zavala doesn't look too happy with us Cayde6 However seems all too excited to see Redreksis looking him over and walking behind him the First fallen to walk in the tower Ikora rey doesn't seem to be around. We tell Zavala and Cayde6 how we came to receive Redreksis and that he wishes to fight alongside us. We also explain that we will have him prove himself to us before he gains our full trust. Zavala now seems to be going along with the Idea now as well. Cayde6 tells us a story of when he fought alongside a Fallen Baroness on the moon they were surrounded by hive he climbed a tower to get a better vantage point while the Baroness stayed below fighting off as many hive as possible. This story greatly interested Redreksis until the end when Cayde6 had to kill her. She was wounded and leaking Ether she offered a shock pistol to Cayde6 when he was going to take it she tried to stab him he broke both her arms and redirected her own blade into her head. As we were all enthralled with this story Cayde went on to tell us how he used the shock pistol to kill many hive. He says I even still have it today. He pulls a small box out from underneath the table and pulls out the shock pistol with amazement he hands it to me and tells me to keep it. I give this new weapon to Redreksis he tucks it into a sash going around his waste. I realize hell need new armor and even possibly clothes I ask Zavala if we can get Redreksis some new armor from the outfitter he doesn't see why not. Upon taking Redreksis to the Outfitter. Her eyes widen as we approach I explain to her with the help of Cuban that Redreksis won't hurt her he is friendly and is working with us after a while she calms down enough we are able to get him a new Cloak Black in Color With a Dark red line down the Middle. As well as a set of weapon Holsters which he puts his new Shock pistol into. He looks happier some how. Redreksis seems more comfortable. I go to the Gunsmith next Manhatton goes back to our Quarters in the tower. Banshee looks at me Cuban and Redreksis we Get Redreksis a shotgun for now once we get back in the field well get him some good fallen weapons. I tell Cuban to go back to our Quarters with Redreksis I realize we'll have to keep Redreksis with us where ever we go he won't be able to be alone in the tower. I take me ship down to the city to look for something for Redreksis to sleep on in our Quarters he's a bigger Captain about 7.4ft tall. I come to a furniture shop when I see a big bean bag about the size of a Bed its dark red and quite Fuzzy like its covered in fur I buy it. Cost me 1000 Glimmer but it should work for now. I take it back to the Tower and down to our Quarters Manhatton, Cuban and Redreksis are sharing war stories. I sit the Bag in the Corner of the Room and spread it out. I ask Redreksis to try it out he comes over and sits down on it and purrs with Satisfaction he likes it as they Continue talking I sit on my bed and listen to Redreksis tell of old wars of the fallen and how they used to be very Gracious creatures until the Darkness came. I lay down and think to myself tommorow well spar and be sure Redreksis is battle ready. I'm excited about having another Member in our team even if he is Fallen they can't all be bad. To be continued...

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