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8/21/2015 3:01:54 PM
At the end of the day, as long as I'm level 40 by day one and I have all the relevant weapons at the highest level as I did the last dlc and the weapons and armor are equivalent to all the load outs I have now for all 3 characters, I'll be fine. If however I have to spend time waiting because I'm capped day one until the following week and this goes on for months in order for me to play a raid, then it's really not worth more effort. These restrictions hurt the poe gamer, not the pvp gamer the most. And the grind to get where I'm at now won't be repeated each time Bungie decides to "fix" something Vault space is now irrelevant. All weapons are useless. No one in the right mind would save anything going foward. And, the changes have already started. Yesterday, I actually saw white armor drop in pvp and poe with odd looking damage stats. Guns are behaving differently and so is the armor and xp level is listed. Suttle differences I've detected since my last update a few weeks ago. I've deleted dozens of guns I was excited to use with the gun update. Now, no point. They are useless in poe. All the requests to ascend year one is and will go nowhere. All that's left now is how painful will the new system be since we are all wiping year 1. Love the game, hate the inconsistencies. Makes it difficult to plan strategies.

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