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8/21/2015 12:52:58 PM
[quote]When it comes to online games that are ongoing like this, people make the choice to commit themselves to it. Humans have finite life spans. It is the greatest motivation in our existence. Destiny is said to be a 10 year game, meaning you are basically asking every player here to give 10 YEARS of their life to you and your game. Any time spent playing this game is time that people are choosing to invest, time that could go to any number of other things. Their time, THEIR LIFE ON THIS EARTH, is a form of currency MORE VALUABLE than any amount of money.[/quote] Man... Am I allowed to say that you're full of shit? :-D Your paragraph defines the term drama-queen for me. It's not 10 years.. it's whatever time you choose to spent/waste on playing a fvcking video game. I'm one of those full-time job in their 30's people.. and I'm mature enough to not attach too much value to pixels. You do make some valid points and I would prefer that Bungie just states the real reason for the year-1-left-behind-stuff (which probably is: the shit we designed is impossible to balance and/or we want the loot-hamster-wheel to keep turning). But you take this stuff waaaaaaaay to serious... the whole destiny experience costs as much as one fill-up of your car... (at least where I live). I made friends, had a lot of fun and I will voice my opinion if stuff stinks... but your display here is somewhat ridiculous.

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