Yea there are some differences but;
Sword and hammer are in halo
Person who picks up the OP weapons or invis/overshields owns every one else
Halo sword uses same mechs as arc blade regarding dash melee
Halo hammer uses same mechs as fist of havoc
Halo personal shield field = ward of dawn
Halo 3 story (cortana goes nutz that one idk if 3/4) story is told same way as destiny with a few cutscenes but mostly cortana blabbing while you fight instead of ghost blabbing while you fight
Stuff like that
You do not have traditional ADS in Halo. Some weapons have scopes, but other than those shooting disables the ADS. Anyhow, even the smallest differences can make one game likable and the other one despised, that was my point.
Ads is not auto aim or aim acquisition increase! All guns in halo unless dual wielded can be aimed Yea destiny has auto aim plus better auto aim acquisition while aiming and YEA IT BLOWS But ADS= aim down sights Not aim down + auto aim
Hence the "traditional".
Unreal tourney came with aim down sights in the 90s if auto aim was disabled there was 0 aim acquisition increase Ads + aim acquisition increase IS NOT TRADITIONAL its call of duty/medal of honor originated: Unreal tourney came out FIRST
Well, I still don't consider most Halo guns to have ADS, because you aren't aiming the weapon, you're zooming with your helmet. ZDS, maybe.
Pistol and a few others the gun hand moves position to more centered an yea its HUD aim but its still AIM
Really? Aside from the scoped ones I've never noticed that. o.o I always saw it more of an area-scan (like first-person views in platformer games) rather than aiming.
With some of the guns yea it zooms on player hud thru the helm but at least in halo 1-3 when aiming with the:(non dual wield) Magnum Plasma pistol Needler Shotgun Submachine gun pistol The hand with gun moves to center of screen and you look down iron sights
I don't remember that for the Needler or shotgun. :o
Not 100% sure on needler but I AM CERTAIN on shot gun (shot gun has 2 green dot night sights in back and a over the top hoop on front sight)
Huh.. I'll have to look at that when I play Halo next.