stuff like this is exactly why matchmaking in end-game events is never going to be a thing (or at least it better not be).
activity rewards should be tweaked to NOT drop if your outside of the boss room.
Something needs to be done. I dont even want to run strikes with randys anymore because of stuff like this. And I get that PvP players prob dont want to play strikes and they want certain weapons. So a solutions needs to be created.
nah, i dont think its PVPers. they get comparable rewards in crucible (spare change, ill will, ash factory, etc. only real gems in strikes are hopscotch and dry-rot, which is very good for PVE, not PVP). its just afkers and toxic players in general. likely bungie will (or has) issued soft bans for these scum. bungie doesnt make a show of bans, so it seems like nothing gets done. of course this statement is true on the flip-side; we have no way of knowing they do punish such players. really there is a better option already in; form your own fireteams.
Yep. Thats what I did. But sometimes I still have to search with randoms. Which normally leads me to saying the hell with it and going into patrol. Lol
too bad we cant solo strikes.