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Edited by Phoenix King: 8/21/2015 12:37:26 PM

For people who are fine with gally ( and one year exotics) being left behind...

Did you people even think about it ramifications of this? You guys are aware that the gally and other year one exotics are going to be "frozen in time", never to be upgraded ever again. Now, I could be a bitch on the forums, calling people idiots, or claim that they are bungie's sheep.... But I'm not going to be a bitch. My question is, WHY you are okay with the gally ( and for the sake of having a good discussion: other one year exotics ) being left behind? For most of us, these exotics (like gally) were not easy to get. I just wonder why you guys are fine leaving them behind after countless months are grinding. UPDATE: What I mean by calling people names, is that I could be toxic like some people are. I don't want to be that toxic person. All I wanted to have a good discussion about this.

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  • Gally was too strong. I got my first one last month. I love it. And it's still going to do amazing in year one and crucible. I'm going shed a tear for my lord of wolves though.

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    • Because it was a crutch people used for everything. No one had any "tactics" other than gally the boss to death. Along wig this it was also used as a barrier to entery for teams. When a weapon in a game locks people out of content because someone downtown have it, it becomes a problem

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      • While i understand the frustration for those like you, it doesnt matter that much to me, maybe it will in the future, i can assure you this, if it ever bothers me as much as its bother some people i will just call it quits and stop coming to the forums.

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      • I'm perfectly fine with it because I am not a newbie to this. Weapons and gear becoming useless has been part of many games that I have played. This isn't a Bungie thing, it's a common thing. Using the same stuff becomes boring to most people, most people like doing new things after a while. It's been a YEAR, some of you weirdos act like the game is a couple of months old. It's been a YEAR, let it go.

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        • Change is good. You're trying to have an innocent discussion but I still can't get over the feeling that this post in general kinda makes you look like a little bitch anyways.. so?..

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        • I am fine with it because I want some diversity in the game and because ghorn was a crutch for most. Lots of people couldn't do anything without it. And we year 1 player would be able to remember those guns and gear. Unlike the ttk newbies

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        • All exotics should be moving up to year 2, not certain ones. I don't care about legendary items and raid items, but exotics absolutely should.

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        • I guess I just view TTK differently than everyone else? It's year 2. Other annualized games would just put out a new version of the same game and you be starting over anyway. If you look at TTK as a new experience, and not a continuation of year 1, it's ok to move on. My vault will be a museum of year 1 content, and I look forward to starting my new collection of year 2 stuff.

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        • Edited by BobbyWasabi: 8/23/2015 3:33:47 AM
          *10 years later - Noob shoots dreg with Gjallarhorn. - dreg "u wot m9" - Noob " and they say this was OP?!?" *in memory of year 1 exotics

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          • Personally, and this might sound stupid and simple, but I honestly just don't care. Other year one exotics I'm a bit disappointed about, but Gally is just such a massive crutch, that's I'm honestly sort of happy to see it go. I was excited to get one, but now I just don't care anymore. Glad I got one, but not really concerned with using it any longer. I know I worked for the stuff, to some degree at least, but so what? You work for gear, you use it for a while, then better gear comes out, so you abandon the old stuff. While I can see why people would be upset about losing stuff they put time into and not having the choice to advance it any further, simply put, I just don't give a damn. It bothers me only in the slightest. Maybe I'm stupid, maybe I'm blindly throwing my money at Bungie, but it just doesn't bother me. I'm having fun, and I'm excited about the new stuff. I'm disappointed that I can't use my old stuff, but I'm too excited about the new stuff to give a damn. At the end of the day, I'm having fun with this game. I don't necessarily agree with every decision they've made, but I'm still 100% on board with this game and the company. This might be a bumpy ride, but I'm here for the long haul.

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          • The fun in destiny is in the journey. The rewarding moments are that "you did it!" Not that you found the thing. However the finding of the thing is the purpose of the journey. Take away the purpose of the journey, and the journey loses its flavor, it's drive, it's fun! I want to get better and different weapons in order to defeat stronger enemies. I want the hunt, I (dare I say) want the grind! Not the "forever 29" grind difficulty, nor the "PoE" grind easy difficulty, but a happy medium would be nice.

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          • I'm ok with leaving year one exotics and legendaries because I'm ready to move on and use [b]new[/b] weapons. Year one weapons were fun to chase even thought some still elude me [i]preadyths timepiece and song of it yut [/i] and I had even more fun using my favorites [i]fatebringer,ghally,found verdict too many more to name[/i] but I'm ready to use new ones. I've had my fun for almost a year, a whole freaking year of using the same guns! I don't understand how so many people are this attached to these weapons. One of the best experiences of destiny for me was [i]discovering[/i] new weapons. Back before I even knew what weapons were cool or OP, just getting new things was exciting! I'm ready to get those feelings of excitement back. I'm ready to journey into the unknown and find my new toys again.

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          • I don't use gjally. It's a crutch, like fireborn. People also calculated that thunderlord with field scout and a heavy ammo capacity boost deals (hitting only crits) more damage than a Gjallahorn with a heavy ammo capacity boost. Gjally has more DPS, but this relied deals more total damage

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          • As someone who has had experience with every exotic and played since day one I think it's a good idea to leave gally and such behind because if you think about it we've been using the same guns for so long and it gives us a chance (well the people with every exotic) to use something different other than what is needed to say complete a mission or dominate in pvp it's just a different experience. Some may not agree with me and that's alright you have you're own opinion right?

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          • Edited by Theta Cruz: 8/23/2015 3:05:35 AM
            I'm fine with it because I'm tired of feeling like I have to use it. My friends' logic since I used to be the only one with it for about 6-7 months, "because you got Ghally, we Expect you to use 99.9% of the time." Now granted I like Ghally, and it made things go faster...but it got really old, I couldn't use stuff I wanted to such as, Red Death, P&T, Last Word, Thunderlord...Having a total refresh in my entire weapon library will be a welcome addition. IMO lol

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          • This is not a hate post this is simply my opinion. Leading into year 2 it has become apparent that we may be losing some of our Year 1 exotics. This is all for good reason, Bungie has addressed this in videos saying that if there is ever a clear choice on how to go about doing something, aka use Ghorn for every boss on every DLC, it will be nerfed, they even said this before the release of Destiny. The idea of being able to ascend armor and weapons in HoW was a great idea, however, it took away from the DLC [b]IMMENSELY[/b], how? Why would anyone play PoE for elemental primaries when they are easily outclassed by old ascended raid weapons. Fatebringer or Six Dreg Pride? Easily Fatebringer. Theres no need to try and grind for new weapons in HoW because many of the old weapons outclass them, without ascension some of these new HoW weapons might actually be viable. Now lets say Bungie would allow us to take year 1 legendaries and exotics into year 2. Wha would you go into the raid with? Probably all year 1 weapons. Then there would be more complaints on the forums that TTK weapons are useless and that TTK is a waste of money. Leaving behind year 1 weapons is not a bad thing. It is starting a new chapter for our characters, a new chapter in Destiny, and Bungie is aware that we cherish our year 1 items and we worked hard for them, and they are probably doing their best to replace them with new year 2 weapons. The problem with threads like this is that people are too quick to assume, we have yet to play TTK, what if there are new weapons that are just as good as guns like Fatebringer and Ghorn? Do you think Bungie would purposely make the community upset by making some of the year 1 content unupgradeable without a plan to replace it somehow? All and all, everyone needs to relax, the world will not end because we cant use Fatebringer for another year. Im sorry if this post offended anyone that was not the intention.

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            11 Replies
            • Edited by Zimo: 8/23/2015 2:59:06 AM
              Dragon's Breath will be the new ghorn when TTK comes out. #Dragonsbreathftw [spoiler]jk, definitely the sleeper stimulant though lol[/spoiler]

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            • Just like in "real" mmos. You'll leave behind [orange] rarity items behind as a new expansion is taking it's place. And everything else. Except for mounts. Mounts told the story of your grinding to be a legend. -Winterspring Frostsaber Need I say more :3

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            • I'm ok with it because there should never be weapons that are so good, they form a catalyst necessitating their use for content. There were clearly outstanding weapons that overshadowed all. This is true of legendaries and exotics. Some sounded awesome and amazing; the synergy of their perks--outstanding. Once they were used in game, it became clear some just made aspects of content trivial.

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            • [quote][quote][b]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/04/2014[/b] by DeeJ “The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear:[u][i] [b]The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected.”[/b] [/i][/u][/quote][/quote]

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              • Because I've never experienced any of these exotics.

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                • It's simple, I realize I have no control over whats in the game. since I'm not in control and making the game, I'm not going to whine that I can't keep my old guns relevant. I'll live with what's coming because I'm sure there is going to be a new weapon everyone will flock to and covet like gjallarhorn.

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                • Because now gally wont be the only option

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                • Because I can deal with change I don't need one rocket to describe my PvE experience and time in destiny

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                  • Part of the reason is bosses now have more mechanics and less health. It wouldn't be fun if u killed them in 5 seconds with a mega powerful year 2 gally. Although many exotics are not and will be brought to the new year. There are other reasons also but I won't go into them. Just short reasons. It is IN SOME WAYS an mmo. They don't want people using the same weapons all the time because all dlcs would be obsolete.

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                  • Game is apparently going to continuously change. I'm personally looking forward to many new weapons. Where is there any challenge if one can just continuously upgrade GHorn all the time?

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