Hey guys, I'm the leader of the Guardians Reloaded Clan on the PS4, we are a very active clan and play allot of crucible, we have allot of experience in sweatys, we have members mostly from the USA but also UK (me) and Europe, we play mostly at 5-8pm EST.
I'm looking to organise a 3v3 sweatys match or even a 6v6 sweatys with active clans.
If your serious about playing sweatys on a regular basis please add/message [b]nassim-e5[/b],[b] tievoli [/b]or me my ID is [b]Sneintzville[/b] (you can call me Ville) on PSN.
I'm always looking for good crucible players also so if you want to join my clan you MUST have a KD of 1.50+ and a high grimoire score, if your already part of a clan i will not accept you unless you leave your current clan and represent Guardians Reloaded.
Bungie Clan Link - https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/666105