*News Flash!* *Breaking news!*
"We are getting reports that the 4th hype train derailed and crashed, killing thousands of teenage sheep on board. The owner of the hype train, Bungievision, claimed no responsibility stating 'the customer bought the ticket at their own risk because they believed in it's value'. This makes 4 out of 4 hype trains that have crashed with growing casualties."
All hype trains crash nowadays. The Fallout 4 Train will crash. The Black Ops 3 Train will crash. The Taken King hype train will crash. The Half Life 3 train will crash (It's more of a hype convoy at this point.)
[quote]All hype trains crash nowadays. The Fallout 4 Train will crash. The Black Ops 3 Train will crash. The Taken King hype train will crash. The Half Life 3 train will crash (It's more of a hype convoy at this point.)[/quote]
Lol I saw them all at the end of Oprah, screaming like bitches
Do you know when the next ones coming?! I missed the last one.