I have never really liked cod and people are always saying that it's the most realistic warfare game and I disagree bye saying that I think Battlefield is more realistic with the bullet drop and you have to judge distance when sniping.
If you disagree then explain why
[spoiler]yes I mean the series[/spoiler]
And I like don't like how they keep
Making them in the future because they make up so many things that I hate. Like the multi grenade in AW. It's a waste in my opinion. They have so many grenades that they don't need it. I think they should keep it in the preset because they are wasting money on crap that they don't need it's pathetic almost.
EDIT: Wow.... 100 replies!!! Did not expect that
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I haven't really cared for COD since BO2 and even then it was mediocre. I think their best days are behind them. They're getting to futuristic with it in my opinion. I recently picked up Ghosts for cheap just to have an fps.
It is one of the most [i]successful[/i] series...
man its a good game, but it gets judged by people that only see the kid side of it, my friends all play on friday, we quickscope, play zombies, etc. But we still have fun, but honestly after bo2, it just heading to the future, i want more mw3,2,1, But overall ArmA is one of the best games for a millsim, no doubt,
Honestly CoD was good up until MW2, after that it went downhill. Blackops was ok though.
No. The series is quite revolutionary up there with Halo. However, I hate Black Ops 2 multiplayer with a passion, I surprisingly like Ghosts but the campaign was dull and AW is fun if you give it a chance. All of the games past Black Ops 1 have been mediocre though and people hate on CoD because it's cool apparently. Depending how Destiny 2 goes will decide if that is one of the worst franchises.
BO3 will suck, and AW and ghosts sucked. WaW was good.
Edited by Regret: 8/21/2015 9:10:31 PMWorld at War, Black Ops 1 and MW2 were the only really good ones :/
It's not a terrible game by any means, the only thing wrong with the series is that it doesn't innovate enough each year.
Edited by Nihlus: 8/20/2015 9:37:04 PMAs a series? No. I believe there's been more good games than bad in the series. Good: CoD 1 CoD 2 and The Big Red One CoD 4 MW CoD WaW CoD MW2 Meh: CoD BO1 CoD BO2 Bad: CoD 3 CoD MW3 CoD Ghosts CoD Advance Warfare [spoiler]Battlefield is by no means realistic. But still... BF >>> CoD[/spoiler]
The only good cod is cod4, the rest got some major problems that became a normal thing to the new players
Edited by Just Dawggy Dawg: 8/21/2015 6:13:36 PMIts far from the worst ever. BF is better.
I agree that they aren't the most realistic war games and I do agree with battlefield being more realistic. I really like both of the games. Can't wait for BO3 and Battlefront to come out so exited
They don't add anything new besides movement Into call of duty, same thing year after year. My question is why buy it? ( I've bought every CoD game, after WaW I just started collecting them, just for them to be dust magnets)
It's not the best, but certainly not the worst
I don't like it, most of it is just reskinned guns. I likely the BO series campaign though.
Edited by DovahQuinn: 8/21/2015 8:54:43 PM[quote]people are always saying that it's the most realistic warfare game.[/quote] Umm.. What? Have they ever heard of Arma or BF2 Project Reality? What about the upcoming game SQUAD? Literally anything is more realistic than COD!
Edited by Rev: 8/21/2015 8:54:04 PMGoing downhill for sure
It's not that bad
I've enjoyed C.O.D Back Ops 1 & 2 almost as much or as more than the Elder Scrolls Series. I liked how your choices in the Campaign affected the end-game...
It's definetly declining the last 2 cods were bad
I've never ever ever ever ever ever ever heard someone say CoD is the most realistic shooter. Maybe when CoD 4 was out, but since then it's been known as an arcade shooter
Is it a bad series? No Is it a great one? It used to be. I'd say that it kind of lost it after BO2 but that's just me.
Poll at 51%, 43% and 7% Brilliant poll, brilliant.
If you can prove you have not play more than 24hrs cumulative any CoD game, then Ill say you have a point. CoD had its time. Now they are into their 15th or so rehash of the same mechanics and game with different skins. Kind of gets boring after a while. Its not a bad game, ive iwned and spent countless hours killing noobs since the very first game when it came out back when Medal of Honor was the shit. Its been like 14 years since that. It is time to move one. For someone who has not had an extensive exp with CoD franshise, they may think a bit different that I do. Perhaps, to that audience CoD is the best -blam!-ing game in the Universe. OG Gamers such as myself, simply grew out of that era a long time ago.
Lil news update: CoD is a leading game series Because of CoD,Halo implemented loadouts Because of CoD,Battlefield Hardline came out Why? Cuz they want to have a piece of the cake. Want further explaination? Go to Bdobbinsftw's channel Great content Bad player
All cod games are the same. That's why it only takes a year to make.