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Edited by Th6D6vilHims6lf: 8/20/2015 12:18:43 PM

Destiny Story: Patience And Time Pt. 1

*Notice: This story covers the "origin" of patience and time, and is split into 2 parts. Part 2 will be available to read in the near future. Thanks for reading!* Ghost- Over there! Take cover behind that rock! Daniels- They just keep coming! Ghost- I've already sent a distress beacon, no ones answering. Daniels- It's the Vex, they're jamming the signal! Ghost- What do you suppose we do? I'm getting a read that dozens of Vex troops are being warped into the area, We won't last more the 10 minutes. Daniels- ... Ghost- Daniels we've got to move! Daniels- Give me time Ghost! I've... I've gotta think. Ghost- ... *Daniels quickly examines his scout rifle. He ejects the magazine, looks it over, and the tosses it to the ground beside him.* Daniels- Damn, I'm completely shot out of primary ammunition. All I've brought with me is this sniper rifle and even it only has 4 shots left! Ghost- If only you were a Blade Dancer, we could just sneak out've here. Daniels- Well I'm not! I was trained in the skill of the Gunslinger, and it's no where near ready to use. A grenade is our best bet at the moment. *The ground starts to tremble faintly. Daniels peers over the rock they've taken cover behind only to reveal 4 Minotaurs and what seems like an endless amount of Hobgoblins and Vex forces. The Ghost and Daniels exchange glances with one another.* Ghost- Nows as good a time as any. Daniels- Get ready. *Daniels chunks a grenade directly onto the eye of one of the four Minotaurs. It explodes sending the Vex forces into a frenzy. They begin to bombard the rock with with powerful blasts. The red blasts from hobgoblins are constantly hitting and flying past the rock.* Daniels- That grenade didn't even make a dent! Ghost- What about your golden gun? Daniels- Not even close to being ready. Ghost- Sniping is our only option. But you've got to be patient, pick and choose when to poke your head out. You'll have alittle less than 3 seconds to pick a target and fire. You don't have enough fire power to take them all out, so try and make an opening so we can get on the sparrow and escape. Daniels- Well this is gonna be pleasant. *Daniels pulls out his sniper rife and begins to fire, bobbing and weaving around the incoming enemy fire. He hits every mark on the dot, but with every Vex he eliminates, 12 more take their places. Eventually, he runs out of ammunition.* Daniels- I.. I can't do it. We're gonna die here! Ghost- I'm gonna keep trying on the Distress Beacon. Daniels- DONT YOU GET IT!? THERE'S NO TIME! THEY'LL GET HERE, FIND YOU IN PIECES, AND ME.. and they'll find me in a pile of ashes behind this god forsaken rock! Ghost- ... *Daniels leans his back against the rock and looks up at the green sky being flooded by red enemy fire. He begins to sob and clutches his sniper rifle tightly. The stomp of the remaining Minotaur and Vex forces can be felt coming closer. The ground begins to shake violently as they near Daniels exact position. Daniels takes one last look at the sky and closes his eyes.*

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