Then explain away the fact that they want us to express ourselves through our gear. The whole reason why they redid the faction system was so that players could wear the class items that they want instead of an ugly faction item. They said we have to leave behind our old armor and weapons. Last I checked the class items and ghosts counted as cosmetics.
Should they be left behind though no one is forcing you to grind new class items and ghosts. If they have such a minimal affect on our levels then it shouldn't matter which ones we wear. I'm personally going to keep my Honor of Cormorant and wear it either way.
They have a defense level. Now the 9 equipment slots dictate your overall light level through attack and defense values being mixed. It's all in the stream. I'd advise watching it again. Old gear is for new players so they aren't overpowered throughout the old content.
Yeah thats the old weapons and armor. Comsmetic items are not armor so they shouldn't be affect by the issue of year 1 armors not being allowed to increase its armor rating.
The shades are the only thing without a defense value that is cosmetic on your guardian. Watch the stream again
Your completley missing my point here. What Ive been saying is year 1 class items and ghosts are cosmetic items and in year 2 we have seen that they will be getting light levels added to them. Bungie has never said anything about the year one cosmetics being forced to stay at a low level because they keep saying that armor and weapons will not be allowed to increase the strength.