So pretty much all year one gear, including most exotics are now obsolete? Why can't we have infuse for year one gear as well?
Nope ypu only saw new versions woth new perks you can upgrade them all
Ok, so all the year 1 exotics will be able to be upgraded to attack 280?
Yeah pretty much
No exotics will always be upgradable
They showed that only some would be "brought forward" to year two.
no, only some were revamped but all exotics will be upgradable as far as damage
Most of the heavies and no secondays are
Gjallarhorn wasn't on the year 2 list ahahaha
From what I gather, the Year 2 section was for changed weapons. Like the Suros got a reskin and maybe some new perks. Most likely Gjally isn't changed at all and doesn't show up there.
The unchanged suros was 160 and the changed was 280 so the unchanged gally will probably be stuck in 160 purgatory
Anyone notice they nerfed the shit outta Suros' base stability?
Oh thank god... I was about to rage. The time I spent collecting all those guns... The TIME