I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
[quote]I will be taking questions from the community on the stream tomorrow and wanted to start gathering some here. If you have any questions on some of the things you read in Gameinformer or saw in the teaser trailer post them here.[/quote] Will YOU FIX THIS REDBULL CRAP
Can you explain how we will upgrade exotics in year two? Also how will we be leveling up exotics year 2? Finally, will exotics that we already have that are not leveled up need to be leveled up in the method of year one or two?
Will old armor materials like Sapphire Wire drop from new armor?
Will there be new designed trials armour or just the same armour with different stats, same for the weapons 😉
I detailed breakdown of questing in TTK. I'm very curious to know how much there is and the content it promotes.
Is grimoire going to be on my player card?
How baller is the Necrochasm?
Will xur sell PS exclusives after September 15th? Thanks
Is The Taken King a sequel or an expansion? (an argument w my friend lol) And how are you going to make the storyline more meaningful/engaging? Will the drop rates be the same? Will there be new exotics or can you only not ascend legendary?
Edited by OuroborosWrath: 8/19/2015 2:41:43 AMWhat kind of shampoo do you use? Will the original 2 raids raids be reworked or will their levels stay the same and just go by XP level instead of light level? Will PoE get a Taken section in the arena or is it just sticking to the original 4 enemy types?
What time does it start
Will the foundries also have armour or is it just weapons and is the prison of elders different?
Also, how to upgrade old exotics
will the iron banana be a lag fest as it ALWAYS is? that would be a neat change
Will we be able to buy faction ghost shaders sparrows shaders and ships?
Could you explain rep changes for factions? Is all our previous rep counting in TTK? Pledging rep?
Will there be new level difficulties to do the old raids on?
Will the Ward of Dawn ever be buffed?
Edited by inigo montoya: 8/19/2015 2:50:28 AM1. More Vault Space? If not, why? 2. What's the plan for legendary year one weapons/armor? If they aren't able to be ascended, are the perks actually better in year 2? (That was the problem with past dlc's) 3. Are we finally getting optional matchmaking on all end game content? If not, why? 4. What's with the new patrol? Are we going to be able to find raid quality gear/weapons/exotics while on this harder patrol? If not, what can we expect to find as far as gear? Can we do it solo? 5. Are all exotic bounties mini stories and quests? How do we get them? 6. How have factions evolved? What is their gear like? What are the stories and quests like? 7. How will guardians be more unique? Gun shaders?
How long is the taken king campaign in hours including the new raid
Let's talk turkey. If year one exotics are going to be used to make year two exotics, how so and what kind of grind are we looking at per weapon?
Will there be a purchasable ghost skin for each PvP faction? I saw that there is a crucible one when a guardian was talking to Shaxx, and wondered if there is one for each faction. Also, will ships be purchasable?
[quote]I will be taking questions from the community on the stream tomorrow and wanted to start gathering some here. If you have any questions on some of the things you read in Gameinformer or saw in the teaser trailer post them here.[/quote] Will I have any new stuff
Will we get dedicated servers with TTK?
Will there be a quest line for already existing exotics?
Will the new crucible game modes be permanent or be in a weekly rotation