Stream Times
19 AUG 2015 - 11AM PDT
26 AUG 2015 - 11AM PDT
[b]COURT OF ORYX – 2 SEPT 2015 - [/b]
I'm going to call it on the quest. Similar to TDB, and HOW. Go collect ether seeds on earth, and marrow ash on the moon, and fill an urn, or something of the sort. Release your ghost at the door. Kill a swarm prince knight that's painted white, and has 400,000 hit points. Bring me the eyes. Yada Yada Yada. Here's the same gun as three little words, the messenger, and spare change. Only we renamed it " recycled vanilla." and we re-badged it with a suros logo. Now you can equip it in a secondary slot. After you buy 25 engrams from rahool because u need to grind some more glimmer. In the same places you did last year. Only we reduced the glimmer from consumables. So you feel like your doing something new. Cause it takes a long time.