Well I like long walks on the beaches, watching sunsets.... Etc...
[b]I wave my hand[/b]
No I'm joking.
I'm just your run of the mill galactic adventurer...
Saving Planets, defeating alien civilizations, that kind of thing.
[b]smiles[/b] "Adventuring is fun you get to see places you wouldn't be able to otherwise"
Yeah that's what we thought on Exalin too. Until we found it was infested with these nasty insectoids. Had to blow up the entire planet.
"Well anything else?"
Like what? [b]I empty my glass[/b]
"Well is there anything else you can tell me about yourself?"
There's not much else beyond what I've told you already. [b]I flip my glass[/b]
"Well what do you want to know about me?"
Hmm..... What do you like to do?
"I like to tinker with my gear and run experiments and I like being a doctor"
Umm.... Why were you interested in me exactly? Was it my charm? My fighting skill?
"A little bit of both also your intellect"
Really? You'd be the first. [b]I look at my HoloPad[/b] Time to turn in. [b]I stand up[/b]
[b]she grabs your hand[/b] "Mind if I join you this time?"
Eh..... [b]I seem to be pondering it[/b] I don't see why not. [b]We walk to my room[/b]
"Do you have a bed in your room?"
Of course. I don't spend all my time in the Bacta-Tank. [b]We arrive at my door[/b]
Uh... Heh. [b]We enter and the door shuts[/b]
"Now what happens next is up to you" [b]she smiles[/b]
Alright. [b]Smirks[/b] C'mere. [b]CENSORED[/b]
[b]CENSORED[/b] [b]the next morning[/b]
[spoiler]Ill make a new post later[/spoiler]