Edited by EvoTymes: 8/17/2015 4:53:17 PM"let's see. First you tried and he didn't pick up on it. Second I tried talking to him he didn't pick up on it. Third you gave it to him straight just now and he didn't pick up on it. So considering the results. It might go over his empty head."
"Yeah" [b]her expression shows she's upset[/b]
"Doc don't be upset. Phantom can't see to save his life." [b]He slides back over.[/b]
"Yeah that much is obvious"
"You shouldn't wast your time on someone who can't even notice that they want to be with you."
"Maybe your right"
"Maybe I am maybe in not. It's really up to you though if you want to keep trying your luck with him."
"I don't know what I want anymore"
"It will come to you sooner or later but for now don't worry about it it'll just slow you down." [b]He pulls out a deck of cards and starts messing with it.[/b]
[b]stays face down on the desk[/b]
[b]He puts a hand on your shoulder.[/b] "Doc please don't do this."
[b]she remains silent[/b]
[b]He sighs.[/b] "I'm sorry things didn't work out doc."
Edited by EvoTymes: 8/17/2015 5:30:22 PM[b]He stands up from his chair.[/b] "He missed out big time." [b]He leaves something on the desk.[/b] "If you need someone to talk to you know where to find me." [b]He walks out of the room.[/b]
[b]sits at her desk silently[/b]
Edited by EvoTymes: 8/17/2015 5:42:34 PM[b]He walks back to his room leaving a Jack of Hearts card on her desk.[/b]
[b]looks at the card[/b]
[b]Its a Jack of hearts card[/b]
[b]puts the card down[/b]
[b]The card turns to ashes and flows out of the room.[/b]
[b]face plants on her desk again[/b]
[b]Jack sits in his room and the ashes flow into his hand. He sighs.[/b] "Phantom you idiot."
Edited by Bardo XCIX: 8/17/2015 5:00:39 PM[b]I walk back in and pick up a Scouter ok the desk[/b] I almost forgot I deactivated this one. It has the data on the current Sector. [b]I grab it and walk back out. I bump you arm on the way out[/b] Now's your chance,Eh? [b]I walk out[/b]
"My chance for what?"