I dunno about anyone else, but I find it nearly impossible to find other gamers of the female variety, which sucks IMO.
So I figured why not make this to try find some and get talking to them and maybe even make more of a community. So yeah. :)
If you want people to add you, remember to say what console you're on. Otherwise it gets a little tedious and annoying. :)
I have 2 level 32 Titans and a 31 Warlock, and am on both 360 and xbone.
I'm more than happy to help people with either of the raids (normal or hard), nightfalls, heroics, strikes etc. and I do have mic.
Just send me a message if you need a hand.
I've wanted a thread like this for so long! I've always been too shy to post one myself though heh. I play on PS4 & my psn is Broken_Teacups c: I have a 34 warlock, 34 hunter and a 30 titan I'm working on at the moment. I run the weekly and the nightfall every week on all chars and the raids whenever I can scrounge up a team c: I'd love to have some more female friends to play with, I've never once met another girl online which gets a lil lonely amongst those never-ending waves of guys on the forums + servers :/