For The People for me as well.
I did a DPS test before the last nerf and found that abyss defiant (med. impact, med RoF) had a lower TTK than suros (faster kills), and then realized that type of auto was the best, despite common belief.
I immediately began grinding for the current crucible auto rifle (for the people at the time), which had persistence, glass half full, and a choice of hammer forged, field scout, or perfect balance. The damn thing didnt even need perfect balance, but its amazing with it. I ended up going ham with this thing in crucible, and it felt like my type of gun. Love set in, and just as fast as it came, it got taken away.
When autos get a buff, yall mawfuggas best watch out lol
Another For the People user! Yesssss
[quote]Another For the People user! Yesssss[/quote] Yeaaa buddy!