now that TTK nearing release, i think it would be a good idea to give the year one strike bosses some real mechanics instead of hp sponges with endless trash adds. these would of course coincide with a hp nerf, and less adds would spawn during the battle itself. here are my ideas:
all bosses:
[spoiler]1/4-1/3 hp nerf.
entrances to boss rooms now close after everyone enters the room, or thirty seconds after (fire team members are automatically teleported in, to discourage griefing)
less adds spawn during the fights[/spoiler]
Sepiks prime:
[spoiler]-Scripted fallen dropship spawns at 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 Hp. enemies in proximity to Sepiks get a buff (teaches players servitor mechanics.) [/spoiler]
-nothing special here. Sepiks is the first strike you normally enter, so giving him overly complicated mechanic would drive away newcomers.
[spoiler]-can devour thralls to temporarily regain health (he would get a heavier hp Nerf for this.) he has to be near a thrall to actually do this. thralls will sometimes opt to go to him instead of chase you. [/spoiler]
Askor, winter archon:
[spoiler]-Can tether to a servitor for a massive damage reduction. Ai is changed to beeline to the nearest servitor. high servitors no longer spawn outside of nightfall and heroic strikes.[/spoiler]
Nexus mind:
[spoiler]-no longer has adds teleport in. no longer moves. instead generates axis harpies in groups of two. these harpies actively try to avoid players, but defend themselves if cornered. the size of the nexus' shield, and the damage nexus does grows depending on how many harpies are active, maxing out at a 360 shield + double damage. [/spoiler]
Valus Ta'aurc:
[spoiler]each quarter health, goes stoic and invulnerable. two generators spawn at 4 different possible locations. adds only spawn during this phase to hinder you. [/spoiler]
Omnigul, will of crota:
[spoiler]add spawns nerfed to the ground. omnigul now inflicts players near her (basically anyone near the bridge she floats above) with a stacking debuff "dampened will" (one tic every 7-12 seconds, no upper limit). next time she screams, the debuff will fall off and players will receive damage increasing depending on how many stacks they have. (more than 4 will kill a warlock with the ram)[/spoiler]
[spoiler]he now uses all of the abilities of that scorch cannon he has (he'll stop shooting if he tags you with a scorch missile, and charge it. shooting the missile will remove it), and drops various traps periodically throughout the fight. he also retreats after taking less damage during the earlier parts of the mission.[/spoiler]
Psion flayers:
[spoiler]killing one while the other two are still alive will buff the damage of the other two. [/spoiler]
Undying mind:
[spoiler]less adds, will split itself twice at certain hp thresholds. first split occurs at 66% and creates two hydras with double shields. and each of those split into slightly stronger hydras when the split double shields hit 50%.[/spoiler]
feel free to post your own ideas as well!
I like these these ideas but want 1 additional thing: add randomness to the adds. Have them come from different directions and have different mixtures of mobs. If they could also add different tactics for different groups that would be awesome. Imagine boomers sometimes trying to flush you out so acolytes can shoot you and other times keeping you in place so cursed thrall get up in your business... This is the destiny I want to fight in.
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You know I like this, some of those could be different but I like it over all. The idea of Servitors playing a more important roll is great.
Personally I think strikes are supposed to be simpler. Some of these mechanics are too advanced. They definitely fit into this game but strikes are supposed to be quick fireteam goes in goes out target is dead. I wish they would make another level of content between raids and strikes. Sorta like how the easy poe has a simple boss at the end but the harder difficulties has your mechanics listed. And these would be almost guaranteed a legendary engram sorta like how keys work.
What if the bosses actually got an ai overload. Like phogoth would eventually run at you. And he climbs up shit. and like smashes stuff that gets in his way. that'd actually be fun
If they do this they'd need to up drop rates of stuff.
My opinion is that the ONLY reasonable trade off to lowering boss HP is to make the AI far more reactive to the player and smarter in general. The strikes are hella easy as it is, but mostly cuz the bosses just sit there and take it in the ass from you and your team. This also makes them boring.
What of we took these mechanics... And just didn't nerf anything? What if bosses took 5 minutes? What if you had to kill adds? Reducing g horn damage by 20% then taking 25% of a bosses health it dumb
This is so stupid! Why make it harder?
I would rather have hp than dumb mechanics. That is what turns me off on this game. The poe stuff is just dumb.
I have reason to believe your classicst
Great ideas...that bungie will ignore... :(
Sounds good
That phogoth idea rules.
Theses were actually really good ideas on making the bosses more enjoyable. Obviously, intelligent design is not Bungie's thing, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
What like actual new gameplay? They wont do that haha
And Bungie has been doing this how long? This is why I have been disappointed, to some extent, with destiny from the much could be done that would make it awesome (like any of these mechanics) but they chose to make it dumbed down with only good mechanics on VOG...sigh...
Good ideas, but should make all strikes on highest level (dragon currently), give legendary engrams guaranteed, and guarantee a legendary armor or weapon.
Lol, the Phogoth idea is hilarious. "Little thrall, don't run aw-OHMYGOD...OHMYGOD!!!!"
500+ ppl at Bungie and none of then can come up with stuff like this lol so sad.
Its mechanics like these that can make the game interesting!
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