This is not a troll post, I'm legitimately interested in what you have to say.
I bought my Ghorn. Sorry. Here are my questions.
Have you ever bought a gun from Xur?
If you didn't "earn" your Gjally doing the same stuff we all do every week, would you have bought it this weekend?
Have you ever avoided buying a Xur gun to go "earn" it instead?
If Xur were to sell an exotic you don't have next week, would you purchase it?
How would you feel right now if you had bought the gun from Xur in week 2?
How would you feel if you got your Ghally early and effortlessly through lucky RNG like many have? Do you resent those people too?
After countless bounties I have still never been offered a Super Good Advice / Pocket Infinity bounty - after how many hours would you specifically consider I have earned it?
I'm hoping to get intelligent responses to help me better understand your point of view.
Edit: I have 300-400 hours and most exotics, including a Vex, Necrochasm, and 3 Hawkmoons if that's important to anybody. Never got the Ghorn drop.
Ghorn was that one Exotic that really touched a nerve with some guardians..all the other exotics really didn't matter if Xur sold them..I remember when Xur sold thunderlord for the first time..there was hardly any complaints..but him selling Ghorn really pissed some players off...