Personally I think Quodron 34 is much more difficult than Skolas considering I didnt wipe at Skolas and I died more at Quodron. What do you guys think? If it's other state below
EDIT: Sorry for missing out Templar. Randall and Celebrant of Oryx i didn't think to put in as they are Majors.
EDIT 2: WOW 150+ Comments and more than 50 Favourites and over 1000 votes on the poll!!! Thanks and keep posting and voting on the poll.
EDIT 3: 250+ Favourites Over 500 Comments and Over 3000 Votes on the poll. Thanks everyone for voting, commenting and favouriting :).
Imma tell you something. Every time I go to atheon, this boi is using some bullshit to trap me when I teleport instantly killing me, does it all the time causing my team to leave and we need to get more people, then we get some lag up in here and no one can shoot the oracles, the hobgoblins suddenly join faze and dismantle the relic holder. After an hour or 2 of this bullshit, we kill him, and what do I get? A time breaker. First time I was happy. Second time sorta pleased. Third time I was used to it. Fourth time it was pissing me off. Fifth time I was mad. And the sixth goddam time I lost my shit. Atheon is the biggest ******* there is.