If you say so *sits down in a corner and starts polishing my katana blade*
[b]He keeps looking at the ground.[/b]
Something is clearly bothering you
"Correct." [b]He sighs and looks at you.[/b]
You're still mad at me for breaking your pistol aren't you?
"Yes, next time don't steal it."
I didn't mean to break it
"Good, I don't want you to touch any weapons I have either."
The only thing I forbid anyone to touch is my black book *pulls a large black leather book out of my coat*
"...I am not going to ask."
Why not?
"It will probably make me want to call an exorcist."
That would be fun
[b]He laughs uncontrollably and eventually calms down.[/b] "Very fun actually."
Until they realize it won't work
[b]He remains silent.[/b]
Would you like to see an example of what this book can do?
"Sure, why not?"
Alright then *flips through a few pages and mumbles something making the pages turn black*
"Interesting." [b]He twitches slightly and looks at his hands.[/b]
*reaches into the book and pulls out a [url=https://cdn.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/758/839/large/raul-aparicio-03-oriental-shotgun-high-wires.jpg?1432403325]shotgun[/url]*
[b]He remains silent and twitches again.[/b]
"I'm not sure." [b]He looks around.[/b]
Could be a panic attack