I bought my 1st gally today, to b honest im not even going to upgrade it, not for now at least, i simply dont need it. Something tells me that if bungie waited for so long to sell it again with a nerf incoming and year one almost over then its quite possible they'll release a more powerful heavy weapon for TTK, or at least a more useful one to confront the new taken enemies.
Why not upgrade it? Buy a rocket launcher telemetry from gunsmith dude. Do the bounties for the day including crucible, make sure before the crucible matches end equip the ghorn too so you can get some free xp on it. When you know your bounties are done in crucible pop the telemetry right before that last match ends. After all of this your ghorn will be close to maxed. Easy peasy
BUNGIE DOESNT CONTROL XURS SELLS. Besides the point it was sold second week so bungie didn't "wait this long".
Edited by ClovenTrack620: 8/15/2015 8:18:58 AMBungie doesnt control xur's sells ,r u being serious ?? And i said waited this long to sell it """AGAIN""" please pay attention when u read
Yes they use rng. Every once in a while they have something to do with his inventory but they have always left it to rng.
Bro im not trying to b sarcastic i swear, but if u believe bungie leaves xur's inventory to RNG then ur either a very innocent young kid or ur just oblivious to d world ur living in