Perfect condition sounds better *licks the blade and waits with my arms crossed*
[b]The figure swing his blade downward on you[/b]
*splits his blade in half with a quick swing*
[b]The figure staggers back looking at his blade. He drops it and summons two more and swings one high and one low at you.[/b]
*catches the low one under my boot and the high one with my hand then snaps the blade on my knee*
[b]He drops the high blade and punches you into a wall. He then stands with one blade.[/b]
*stops before hitting the wall and leans against it* Interesting
[b]He runs towards you dragging his blade on the floor.[/b]
*runs and slides between his legs slicing his ankles*
[b]He falls to his knees but he persists to keep fighting.[/b]
*places the tip of my katana against his throat*
[b]He swings his sword at you.[/b]
*stops the sword with my hand but suffers a deep gash*
[b]With you distracted by the sword he punches you sending you flying back[/b]
*slides back a few feet before stopping* Throw another punch like that and I'm taking the hand off
[b]The figure seems like he's laughing. His ankles heal and he stands and draws his sword.[/b]
*stabs my katana into the ground and cracks my knuckles* Shall we dance
[b]He waits for your attack.[/b]
*walks up to it and bitch slaps it*
[b]Your hand feels like it just slapped a wall but he jerks his head to its motion. He drops his sword and punches you in the gut.[/b] Etana:"HAHAHAH.Did you really just bitch slap him?"
*grabs his hand and crushes it* Yes I did
[b]The figure kicks you in the knee.[/b]
*my knee breaks and I drive my hand through his chest*
[b]The figure slumps over falling on you. He the. Turns to ash and the ash flows to jacks sheath as he holds it open.[/b]
*walks over to my katana and rips it free*