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8/14/2015 7:45:52 PM

Xur you ass

All of my friends have owned their [b]gjallarhorns[/b] since I can remember. Always laughing and teasing because I didn't own one myself. Two weeks ago I do a nightfall and finally the Destiny lord grants me [b]gjallarhorn[/b] All of my friends told me that [u]Xur[/u] would never sell [b]gjallarhorn[/b] ever so when it finally dropped for me I almost couldn't believe it.... I wake up this [u]morning[/u] and check the useless loot that [u]Xur[/u] is selling this week and my morning is ruined. Now a bunch of level 20's get to run around with their new rockets and now I look like a fool.

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