A Hecate class cruiser jumps out of slip space but something's wrong there's no UNSC logo
https://www.google.com/search?q=space+frigates&safe=active&client=safari&hl=en&prmd=in&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIsf6o1aepxwIVzDg-Ch2bRQgW&biw=320&bih=356#imgrc=uF2n8i0ARhp1tM%3A dozens of these ships all fly out to different planets, but a lone one, black instead of brown strays away simply turning invisible on radar and sight
[b][i]Cephalon makes note of the ship[/i][/b]
Two voices are heard over every com " is he onto us? " " no you dim wit, even if they knew you know that they would blast us righ- oh no you idiot you turned on broadcast, meatbag scum" some scuffling is heard before it is silent again. several minutes pass by " and they wont ever kno- really?! Again?!, you piece of meat and trembling fingers I told you not to acti-" then, silence
[b][i]cephalon starts hacking into the ships comms and cameras[/i][/b]
[spoiler]gotta go soon, check back later or tomorrow sorry [/spoiler]