U fgt, I'll one up u.
No one can join my team unless they have 3600+ grimoire and can only join if they have over 8,000+ kills with Gjallarhorn. I don't want any Gjallarhorn noobs, only Gjallarhorn pros.
Dang I need to shoot a thrall.
I haven't hit 3600, but my b.net account has three years on you for the mythical 7. #PWNED #SCRUB #KIDDING #ISEEYOUALLOVERTHEFORUMS #WHATSUPBRO?
Alas, I only have 22 hundred kills, not even close. I guess I don't use my crutch enough. Sorry Mr. Nike.
U don't want to Gjallarhorn those thralls? What type of a guardians are u? ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
I...may fit this...Let me check my Ghorn kills...
Unfortunately you do not. Gjallarhorn scrub... [spoiler]jk, luv u bby[/spoiler] ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
D': I'm so scrubby!!! [spoiler]Luv U 2! :D[/spoiler]
well nike who can blam me for not crutching?
Edited by rosstritch5: 8/14/2015 7:07:00 PMHey im kinda close *cries* at 2600
Hahaha I like you... Too bad im 60 grimoir off :/