"I won't but if you die I'll take your brain out of your body, clone you then put your brain in that body and that is not a joke"
[b]He stares at you for a moment and blinks twice.[/b]
"I'm joking"
[b]He lets out a sighs of relief and laughs a bit. [/b] "Damn doc your sense of humor scarred me for a bit."
"I know" [b]she pulls a strand of hair off your head and seals it in a small plastic back[/b] "In case you ever loose a limb I can use your DNA to make another"
"Well thanks Doc. You certainly live up to the name doc."
"I try and worst case scenario I can just make you a cybernetic limb"
"I'd be okay with that but I don't plan on losing any limbs anytime soon."
"I know but just in case. So do you need anything while your here?"
"Yeah I found this syringe called battle stim" [b]He pulls out a strange syringe.[/b] "I want to know if this is dangerous or not. I was wondering if you can help with this."
"Let me take a look at it"
[b]He hands you the syringe. It has the words [i]Battle stim[/i] engraved on it[/b]
[b]pours it out of the syringe and into a vial and buts it into a machine then begins scanning it[/b]
[b]He waits for it.[/b] "Phantom's scouter said it was an adrenaline boost but phantom says he thinks it could be dangerous."
"It very well could be dangerous adrenaline could have some nasty side effects"
"Ah I see."
[b]looks at the scans[/b]
[b]It says it's gives an Adrenaline rush and it's also mixed with unknown elements. [/b]
"I wouldn't recommend using this"
"Alright then. You can keep it and experiment on it or find any use of it if you'd like."
"Alright anything else?"
"Nothing at the moment."
"OK then"
[b]He remains silent and spin around the room in his chair[/b]
[b]goes back to work[/b]
[b]He pushes himself back to wall.[/b] "So what's your story doc? If that isn't classified."