Veterans and people with 100's of game hours earned theirs by buying it of xur. Noobs with 1k grimoire and a 34 with no raid completions and a shitty charachter didn't earn theirs
Edited by CDizzy: 8/14/2015 5:05:48 PMYou dont earn anything in RNG dingdong. Random is what the R stands for but apparently you and a half ton of other salty kids don't understand. Btw I got ghorn without xur and I'm not bitching
You can increase your chance by doing raids which give you way more of a chance. Did you even read my post kid?
Raids are just still for fun but give you a BETTER CHANCE in RNG
It's still RNG
Yeah that seems bullcrap that someone who had played so little compared to everyone else get the most desired gun
Dude stop crying i played more than 500 hours of destiny, have full trials gear on all my 3 characters and NEVER got the ghally. Last exotic i needed so stop sating YOU earned it!
What does haveing full exile gear have to do with anything
First of all: i like your english. And second of all: i have had more opportunities than only PvE to get my exotics. But go spread your hate on the forums, its just fuel for me and ALOT of other people to laugh :)
Edited by CrysVII: 8/14/2015 4:23:23 PMI just said people like you earned, wow you're so arrogant it's annoying. Also nice job fan-boying a you-tuber lmao
Yeah sorry for me fan-boying one of the soldiers of one of the biggest empires EVER existed on earth :) and yeag i know the youtuber and his name is LEGIQN not with a s :)
[quote]Dude stop crying i played more than 500 hours of destiny, have full trials gear on all my 3 characters and NEVER got the ghally. Last exotic i needed so stop saying YOU earned it!