Enjoy the 2 week of power before it is nerfed. It will be made so weak there will be no point in even using it 😂
This is why I'm not buying it.
Bungie has -blam!-ed up hope everyone is happy since xur is an ass
Initial damage is being increased, Wolfpack damage being slightly reduced. Doubt we'll even notice.
I hope they nerd the shit out of it
I agree.. They need to now everyone has it. Or else everyone's will have 3 characters with it. They should have just left it op and never sold it
Yep they should have to late now
They'll be a new version (an op heavy weapon) come new dlc.. Gjal only thing that kept players playing so they'd be stupid not to release something similar in power to what gjal was
Edited by EthanMZ: 8/14/2015 12:25:42 PMHope so and hope that it's a worked for weapon one of the new bounty guns
The nerf won't do shit to it. Maybe decrease Wolfpack damage by 20%? What's the big deal?
You serious? Ha no way they would sell it if only that amount of reduction....
"Oh no, the damage output is gonna decrease by 15% at most." Quit your whining and use a different fuсking gun if you don't like it.
I don't always use gjal all time, becomes boring... I have skill so don't need it, unlike some who post
No one actually thinks man.
Yea and they say that a fusion rifle will be its competition. Wtf seriously
I don't believe that will be a very good gun simply because whenever they nerf fusions, which they have done a lot, they always forget to exclude the Vex Myth from the nerf, chances are they will forget to exclude this heavy as well
It is funny that by time all these people who have bought it (most likely bought 3) have fully levelled it, they might as well use a hunger of crota ha
Which is why they are selling it.