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Edited by Charlemagne: 8/14/2015 11:05:29 AM

You Earned Your Gjallarhorn

You waited. You put tons of hours into the game or maybe you've just started. You earned your Motes and Coins and still played for the coveted Gjallarhorn. You put in as much time as so many others (or more in many cases) who already had it. You rock. Whether you got it in a drop, purchased it way back, or grabbed yours today, you god damn earned that weapon. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise you fantastic mess (yes, I'm talking to those of you who are crying). Couple things to note though: - Don't give people you don't know or trust access to your account to buy Gjallarhorn; - It's properly pronounced "yallarhorn" but that won't change much (I had to say it though); - Seriously, keep your private information to yourself, please; - When you breakdown in tears, try not crying on your hardware. Water damage is a pain. Stay classy, community. Edit: DeeJ's Twitter (@DeeJ_BNG) is amazing right now. The best "facts" on Gjallarhorn can be found there. Do you have any Gjallarhorn "facts"? I've heard that the Wolfpack Rounds are actually fuelled by the tears of those who have opened the Exotic chests and gotten materials. Edit 2: Please play nice and be respectful to each other. No matter what, you earned your Gjallarhorn and anything else you got. No need to attack the other side. We're all Guardians here.

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    Necrobump :)

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  • Conjuration raised to 10

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  • Bump

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  • Agreed. I've had multiple "earned" gjallahorns from activities. For example, I've completed night falls and while I get a ghorn, my friend gets a gjallahorn. If I "earned" my Gally through nightfall, then my friend earned his gjallahorn by getting strange coins in the night fall. But what's that I here you cry [quote]he probably got his coins from the weekly heroic![/quote] Okay. But I [b][u]could[/u][/b] get a legendary heavy engram and have that decrypt to gjallahorn, which has happened (not from heroic, from a level 2 dreg. Totally earned) did I "earn" that gjallahorn from the same activities the "xurners" got there coins from. [b][u]YES![/u][/b]

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  • If I read 3 comments I'll bet at least 1 is salty

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  • They worked for it! [spoiler]Unless you only have 200 hours like of them...[/spoiler]

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    • Nope, scrubs getting hand fed by xur. Lel, nothin in this game even feels special at all because welfare xur over here gives out everything anyway. Bring on the hate plox.

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      • -blam!- nogga NECRO.

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      • Edited by Deadly: 8/16/2015 4:59:04 AM

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        • Just watch xur will sell it for the next 3 weeks for those who missed this week

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          • I actually wasn't even looking for it. It just popped out of an engram and I said "oh that's cool"

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            • Edited by Shiloh Ivy: 8/16/2015 4:59:15 PM
              [quote] Face it, coins are a currency with no value. Everyone has so many coins, that they literally mean nothing. You could give me Xur's gear for free every week, and it'd be the same as me purchasing it. I have so many coins I don't know what to do with them other than buy a bunch of nothing that I don't need. Now, if people had to actually budget their purchases like they do in the real world, then coins would have a ton of value. If we only received on average 30 coins per week, but needed 100 to purchase one item, well then I think we'd have a different conversation and a lot of people complaining about how it's unfair that someone who puts in time and saves gets to buy a piece of gear they really want. Sound familiar? Sounds like the real world to me, and it works. But you've opted for a system where your currency means nothing and everyone is essentially given everything. So no, Xur gear is not earned with coins. Xur gear is basically a freebee. Doing Atheon 3 times a week for 3 months and finally being lucky enough to have a certain exotic drop is more "earning" than Xur is. Xur gives everyone a hand-out. Farming bosses until they finally drop what you want, although lucky, at least requires time. I'm not saying it's the best system in the world, but it is better than having Xur give gear away. I have 4 Gjallarhorns. Two I've received from Atheon Hard, Two from Deathsinger. If Xur sells it, will I feel ripped off? Absolutely. Not because I'm some special snowflake who should have it and you should not. But because I take the time to run Atheon hard 3 times per week, and run Crota at least on normal 3 times per week. If you choose to not put in that time, like someone chooses to slack off in school and play video games through their undergrad career, there's no sympathy for you if you don't have the [u][b]"CHANCE"[/b][/u] to get a good job in the future. At the same time, there are exotics that I don't have. Do I feel entitled to being handed them simply because I exist? No. I'm happy to continue to run all of the high chance exotic bosses and chests in this game every week until I do get them. Or maybe I never will. So what. What ruins games like this is people feeling they should be entitled to everything just because you exist. It doesn't work in the real world. People who work harder, or at least put in more time, will have a higher chance than you at getting what they want. It's no guarantee, but it does raise their chances. The same is true of drops in Destiny. The loot system isn't perfect, I'd love to see more rewards, but I absolutely do not want to see more hand-outs. Xur is just hand-out vendor. Complain and bash me all you want, it's going to fall on blind eyes and deaf ears. Destiny is really just a hand-out kind of game that wants everyone to be happy and have everything. Because when you all have everything, you all feel special. But sadly, it also devalues what you have, especially for the people who put the necessary time into acquiring them. Doing Atheon for Gjallarhorn is hardly earning, but it's more earning than Xur is. Because you have to put in that time. For Xur purchases, you do a simple 15-minute strike a few times a week. Boom, enough currency to buy everything he carries next week. This is why you cannot equate coins in this game to money in the real world. Real money has value because people aren't sitting around with so much that they can buy everything they want. Most people have to budget. There's no budgeting with Xur. Everyone just buys everything off him. Hence the hand-out discussion.[/quote] Courtesy Jharv01

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              • I got 4 drop. 1 in week 2. 2 from poe 28 and 1 from a nightfall.

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              • Gjallargeddon, 2015

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                I bought #6 just to say I could be a part of the great gjallarhorn stampede of 2015

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              • Fact is I earned my 2 gallys from nightfall and exotic chest

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              • [quote]- It's properly pronounced "yallarhorn" but that won't change much (I had to say it though);[/quote] SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT

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                • [quote]It's properly pronounced "yallarhorn" [/quote] Says whom?

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                    • When do we get to pillage your vault good sir

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                    • thank you for saying what i have believed all along. everyone deserves the best in this game and especially in this world. if you are like me and this game is basically your life and your fellow guardians are like your family, this is like a birthday for them, happy first gjallarhorn my fellow guardians, you have earned it by simply being part of this community. <3

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                      • They promoted you from Ninja to Mentor for kissing their ass?

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                      • Somebody's after a promotion!!

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                      • I live in Canada. I've played Destiny since release. I've never received the Gjallarhorn. I've watched my friends get it. I never have. And apparently, the time when I'm on vacation in Europe is the best time for xur to sell the Gjallarhorn. Fml, everything is terrible.

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                        4 Replies
                        • Edited by Enog: 8/16/2015 8:10:23 AM
                          Totally agree with you on every point, but I have one thing to add: We all earned every piece of armour, every weapon, every shader, ship and emblem, and we did it all by going out and buying Destiny in the first place. That bought us all the right to every single item in this [b]game[/b], regardless of how that item is/was received, and of how long was spent doing it.

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                        • WOW JUST WOW! Your post is full of negative statements and bias! Cussing and calling ppl crybabys just to turn around and say stay classy? MENTORS SHOULD BE LEADING BY EXAMPLE! YOU SHOULD BE STRIPPED OF THIS PRIVILEGE!

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