Am I Not Everywhere, Yet Unable To Be Seen?
Don't I see you every time I look down at myself in the bath tub?
It's Because You Were Filled With Envy...
Did you just lose so easily?
Even I Lose Interest...
But don't you want to have some fun?
If you want to be seen, why not introduce yourself?
Am I Not Envy? All Are Envious, Are They Not? All Are Failures, Envious Of The Better Being, No?
Can anyone be truly envious of something they cannot see?
My Being Would Cause You To Die From Envy, No? I Am The Cardinal Sin, Yet Mortals Cannot See That Which Is Beyond Your Little Minds, No?
So if I cannot see you, then how do I know you exist? Seeing is believing, is it not?
Relying On One Sense Leads To Imperfection, No?