"I am just this ships ai"
The voice says alarmed
True to his word a small robot head extends out the ship
[spoiler]think wheatley looking thing[/spoiler]
"The scams said there was one life form on this ship. Permission to search?"
"Yes you may" The ai says politely
*i spend a good few hours checking for secret hatches and people.*
You find barely anything, A pantry containing mres A bed A door that wont open A strange rifle A machine with a usb that says: ship records
"Hmmm." I pull of two caps off my fingers. One is basically a key mold, and the next is a hacking device. I try to open the door.
The door opens and a man falls out The chamber he fell out of is covered in blood [spoiler]cryo chamber[/spoiler]
*i grab him. And start carrying him to the Medbay."
The ai is in a robot body following now "Oh my god"
*i pretty much kick open the door to the medbay.* "PERSON NEEDS URGENT ATTENTION HERE!!!!!!!"
[spoiler]make a new post i am not the doctors[/spoiler]
"The scams said there was one life form on this ship. Permission to search?"