So I was playing Skirmish with some clan mates, and I came across a friend on the opposing team. Since he's better than me, I was getting more or less annhilated. Now at what seems to be the most innapropriate, albeit coincidental time, he loses connection. Something that apparently never happens to him. He believes I ddosed him ( overrided his internet and booted him offline ) and claims to have reported both myself and my teammates to Bungie and PSN. I know you're going to say, [i] "but Liam, if you're innocent then what are you worried about?"[/i] Well when you add the trifecta of predisposition to irrational worry, suffering from autism and Bungie already banning the wrong players, I think one can see why I'm so freaked out. So now I ask...what are the chances of me being banned because someone on the other team either lost connection, or even in the most unlikely possibility, that my teammates did in fact ddos him? I'm scared. Truly...scared.
Youll be fine bro