i've recently launched a new website : www.exurtics.com
With this website you can save your exotics statistics and compare your objects with the one sell by Xür. No need to launch the game to see if you have or not an exotic or/and if the one you have is better than the one of Xür.
The website is in two languages : French / English
BUT you can select each languages available in the bungie api for the exotics items (except japanese) : french, english, portuguese, brazilian, italian, spanish, deutsch.
You can see the Xur's history sales, item detail (perks, statistics, how to obtain it, when Xür have sold it, etc.)
Thank you for reading me.
This is great man! Keep up the good work! :D
Very cool, BUMP!
I need to start keeping track of my inventory history, thank you! <3
I remember those terrible weeks when Xur only seemed to sell Sunbreaker Gauntlets for the Warlocks. Those were dark times. I'm glad to know that we have documented it and moved on.